Sunday, September 18, 2005

Day 13 - Red Bay

We awoke to light overcast skies and almost 10C. With a poor short term weather forecast we decided to stay put in West St. Modeste where we have power, water and best of all wi-fi.

We found the location of some geo-caches up the coast near Red Bay and set off to find them. For most of the way we followed the Pinware River. The first cache, a multi-part was on top of the local mountain. It was a healthy hike up the boardwalk to the first waypoint. Either we messed up on the math for the second set of coordinates or the cache is in a delicate mountain meadow which we were reluctant to trample over. By this time the wind had become quite strong and the temperature was dropping rapidly. We could see rain coming in off the Ocean so we aborted.

When we got down to where we had parked we found one of the locals had driven his truck into the ditch trying to turn around and we pulled him out with the Highlander. We learned a bit about local community from him.

We then drove into Red Bay where there is a National Historical site presentation about 16th century Basque whaling in the area. When at its height there were up to a 1000 men involved but now the population is only 300.

In the late 70’s the wreck of a whaling ship was discovered in the harbour and several years of intensive archaeology followed. The exhibits are based upon that activity. It is really quite well done.

Red Bay is where the pavement ends. After we left the museum we drove several kilometers up the gravel road to the north. If the weather was more cooperative we would like to head off there with the trailer but not now.

We returned to the trailer and used the pressure cooker to prepare a pot roast. It only took 35 minutes and we had a roast beef dinner.

There is supposed to be a hopefully brief period of strong wind this evening but we have tightened the levelers, braced the sidewalls and heaved a rope over the top.

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